04/01/19 - Friend's Birthday

Tho the day’s come and gone
And we continue to move on,
I just wanted to say
That I wished you a happy day.
A day full of care,
A day you had to share.
A day full of fun,
But most importantly,
A day spent with the people you call “home”.

Tho some people come and go,
In this life, you should know,
That home is where your heart is,
And with the people who play a part in it.
These people, just like you,
Have a heart that shines true.
Full of kindness and compassion.
Full of God and His good blessings.
Full of a light that shines brighter,
And warms those it encounters.
A heart that, I say,
Deserves a happy day.

Photo by Wout Vanacker on Unsplash

- Ray


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