12/04/18 - Dear Mummy

'Be good' you say,
To me each day.
I kiss goodbye,
And off I fly.
When home I come,
I go to Mum,
'Cause Mymmy's mine.
I love you Mum!

I know you're stressed,
That I'll one day leave the nest,
Don't worry Mummy,
I'm never leaving in a hurry.
I'll stay by your side,
Close to God we'll abide.
I'll think of you always.
I love you Mum!

It's your birthday today,
'Have a good one' I pray.
Even when you're in stress,
I don't love you any less,
For even when you're in pain,
You still work for my gain.
Here's to you Mummy:
I love you Mum!



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