16/12/18 - Embrace the Storm

Clumps of grey wool sewn together,
Slowly and quietly,
In the dark.
He, in his patience,
Sewing a blanket for the souls below.

A broken blanket,
Shedding tears and leaking sorrows.
A cold blanket,
Stiff and suffocating to some.
A rough blanket,
Throwing flashes of anger and rage.
Yet a soft blanket,
Gently touching the skin of those who dare to look up.

Such a blanket,
Full of rage, sorrow and pain.
Such a blanket,
Still has one beneath it.
One that embraces it,
A girl that would see it all.
Hold out her arms,
Close her eyes,

And smile.


Photo by Josep Castells on Unsplash


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