01/01/19 - A Dark Room

I had waited
Sitting on that hard stool
In the corner of that dark room.

I hadn’t seen you leave.
But once you did
I stopped
And wouldn’t move from that seat.

I waited.
Tho the room was dark
And I was afraid.

Were you coming back?

The room was getting cold
As if the fire from the hearth was stolen away.

You did come back.
And when I saw you open the door in one smooth motion,
I got up 
And raced towards you.

But I stopped.
You had your finger pointed at me
And your brows were furrowed.

The room was very cold.

I sat back down
And stayed still.
With every point or wave of your finger
I just sat there.

I wanted to cry.
But didn’t.
I wanted to wave my finger back.
But didn’t.
My brows wished to be tensed back at you.
But they stayed relaxed.

I sat there.
Until you stopped waving your finger 
And your eyes softened again.

You were still frustrated.
But you were back.
And the lamp by the hearth flickered. 

- Ray

 Photo by Harshal Desai on Unsplash


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