05/09/19 - The Warmth of Joy

I saw, in my prayer, 
Two ways in which I am come before my King:

The first was as a lowly slave, 
Grovelling and pleading my needs,
As though an insignificant and distant ant 
In the great and cold stone courts of the King;
And He, 
Simply waving His hands to my pleas.

The second was as though a child,
Sitting in the lap of a kindly and humorous Father,
Grinning as I shared even the smallest details 
Of what others might think a childish day’s tale.
And He,
Joyed to hear my words, 
With the warm and golden sun 
Streaming in from the windows surrounding His throne.

I realized as I thought of these, 
That the first was the more common for my prayer habits. 
It seemed that all I would say 
Was that of a broken record, 
Repeating myself
And only whenever I considered it expected. 
This was truly a cold and distant scene.

The second, however, 
Was filled with the golden warmth of the sun, 
And the smiles of both myself 
And my Loving Father. 
This, I thought,
Was the prayer that my Father delights in - 
One that shares the details as though to a friend or Father. 

Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

- Ray


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