31/08/19 - Father’s Day

“What’s going on?”,

“What’s up?”,

“How’s it going?”…

These are your questions

That frustrate me so.

But maybe this

Is your way of saying:


“How’s your day?”,

and “I love you, y’know.”

And that makes me happy,

To know that you care,

And that your ear’s listening

To what I might share.

So, Dad,

Here’s my answer,

To the questions you ask...

They’re simple, and so-so,

But, hey, you asked:


“Today may have been rough,

But I pushed my way through it

And I’m back home at last.

I’m glad that you’re here,

And that your wisdom is God’s;

That you can share your cool skills,

And that you make us yum meals.

I love that you can always

Get us to laugh,

Even if only for weird hair

(*whispers) Or a fart.

Your wacky and wizzo,

And all other things,

But thanks for being ‘Dad’,

To the nuttiest kids :P

Photo by vivek kumar on Unsplash

- Ray


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